Awesome Testimonies to the Glory of God

The Lord is doing a Great and Mighty Work in the lives of His People! Don’t just take our word for it. Be sure to read through these testimonials, and you’ll see and understand that these our God is an awesome God!!!

There are so many awesome testimonies, more than we can ever write here that the Lord has wrought through this ministry. We are able to only highlighted some here to glorify God and to encourage your faith that God is able to do above and beyond your imagination. Nothing impossible for God to do!!

Our God is Alive!!!  Jesus is LORD. Amen.

Woman delivered from arrow attack while asleep on her eye.

Woman delivered from arrow attack while asleep on her eye.

 This woman was healed of a tumor in her eyes by the power of the Holy Ghost during a crusade. She said she had seen an arrow shot at her in her sleep and since then her eyes had grown and grown to the point that it was so swollen that she could not see anymore in one...

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Deliverance from 3 years Pregnancy

 A  woman during a Crusade was delivered from an attack on her pregnancy. She had been pregnant for three years with no one able to help her deliver the child without it affecting her life. A crusade was held at Ikotun Lagos, Nigeria by  WEOMI Ministry and she came to...

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A Dead Boy of Muslim Parents Comes Back To Life!

A Crusade Revival held at Christ Apostle Redeemed Church, 5&6 Ramonu Bello street, Iyana Isheri, Lagos, organized by senior pastor, Pastor Adenuba. During the Revival, the Lord worked a unique wonder in His miraculous power through unbelievers for His Glory. The...

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Cancer of Leg Cured

Cancer of Leg Cured

 A woman with cancer in her leg was brought and admitted into the WEOMI  Fire Transformation Clinic in Lagos. The leg was swollen, darkened and had deteriorated from the disease. She had been suffering from this affliction for three and a half years. She had tried...

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 Woman Healed of Kidney Stones and Damaged Liver

 Woman Healed of Kidney Stones and Damaged Liver

A woman had severe pains in her stomach (her right side kidney) Her husband is a Medical Doctor and got her admitted immediately into the hospital. After some time, her husband seeing that she was not getting better and was not responding to any medication began to...

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Kidney Disease of Three Years Healed

This young man had kidney problem and he could not walk for three year. He was brought from Efuru, in Warri, Nigeria. He was admitted into the General Hospital there but no help as he could not afford the medical operation. Friends and family brought him to the WEOMI...

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Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Healed

A believer with Diabetes and High Blood Pressure who got tired of living permanently on medication came to the Holy Ghost fire Crusade organized by WEOMI in South Africa. She got healed got healed during the church crusade in Christian day Church, Johannesburg when...

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Demonic Blockages Removed for Progress in Life

I would like to give this testimony to the Glory of Almighty God. I had been believing God for a new job and accommodation after moving from one state to another. I was privileged to meet Apostle Dammy when he visited our church in Miami. He gave me a three-day prayer...

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Deaf and Dumb for 23 years Receives Healing

During the Christmas season, this young man at the age of 4 years visited his father in the village. On the first night, while sleeping, he screamed out in his sleep. He could not utter a word nor could he hear anything said. Since then he could no longer hear or...

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Woman with 5 years Issue of Blood Healed

The story of this woman also brings out a lesson to everyone. This woman had given her clothes to a friend to wear for an occasion. The friend later returned the cloth washed. She innocently put the cloth on for another occasion unsuspectingly that the friend may have...

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