We are burdened and have established three Outreach programs
- Mothers Love Outreach
- Brotherly Support Outreach
- Hope from Above Outreach

Mother’s Love
(Widows Outreach)
We have over the years work to supports, house and feed these widows in different Countries especially in Africa.
These women are all old and many do not have any family to care for them. Many have lost their children and the community has abandoned them to fend and take care of themselves.
The Government in African Countries abandons these widows and only the Love of God that provides for them.
In the program give many of them are given free medical attention on a continuous basis and food to sustain them in their old age.
Brotherly Support Program
Street Children Outreach
This program supports, house and feed – STREET CHILDREN.
These are children who are so poor they live on the streets as their parents are dead or cannot feed them any longer.
Many of them are given free medical attention on a continuous basis and food to sustain them in their old age. We also support many to go to schools so that they can have a future and a knowledge of out Lord and Savior.
We would like to build schools that will provide free education to these children.
Hope from Above
Education Financial Support program
This is a program to support very poor children who have been noted to be brilliant in their education to have a chance to go farther and make a future for themselves and their families.
Many of these Children would like to get a good education but their parents are too poor to afford the education fees.
We have created this program to support the applicants to help with paying fees and school supplies.
It is amazing what God will do with the lives of these ones when they are led along the right path!