Fire Transformation Centers (FTC)
This is a Mission Center (FAITH CLINIC) for individual cases for Deliverance and healing and Breakthroughs.
It started out as a center for seriously demonic possessed and demonic afflicted people to receive healing and deliverance. Such people are admitted for a period of time according to the leading of the Holy Spirit and on receiving their healing. They receive care till they are fully restored or recovered. The center has several Pastors and Prophets of God with Prophetess Owen as their leader and head Minister. There has not yet been and there will never be a case that was or will be admitted by the Holy Spirit that did not receive full recovery through the power of God. The Center is affiliated with many hospitals around the community and many send their difficult cases down to the center and have called on the staff of the center for help
The Center is affiliated with many hospitals around the community and many send their difficult cases down to the center and have called on the staff of the center for help on several cases. The center also sends its patients to some of them who have being delivered from their demonic afflictions and ailments are sometimes sent to these same affiliating hospitals for medical checkups if need be. People who are admitted are usually members of other local churches from different places. Many return to their churches delivered and set free after ministration and discharge if applicable. For more information on the location of the Transformation Center, please contact us as the center is established in different cities as the Lord leads and sometimes for a specific period at a time.