During the Christmas season, this young man at the age of 4 years visited his father in the village. On the first night, while sleeping, he screamed out in his sleep. He could not utter a word nor could he hear anything said. Since then he could no longer hear or talk. The situation remained for 23 years until the night of the Holy Ghost Fire Crusade at Blessed Assurance Gospel Church, at 37, Ayodele Marchus street, power line, off Ogunmola street, Egbeda Lagos; under Pastor Olusegun Julius. The family saw the poster of the crusade and he was brought there by his mother. The word of knowledge came forth concerning his situation and he came to the altar to be prayed for. Apostle Dammy laid hands on him and he fell under the anointing for a period of 10 mins. When he got up, at first he could only pronounce a few words but he could hear very well. Before the end of the
The family saw the poster of the crusade and he was brought there by his mother. The word of knowledge came forth concerning his situation and he came to the altar to be prayed for. Apostle Dammy laid hands on him and he fell under the anointing for a period of 10 mins. When he got up, at first he could only pronounce a few words but he could hear very well. Before the end of the Crusade Revival he was speaking fluently and hearing well to the Glory of God. Praise God! – Lagos, Nigeria