This woman was healed of a tumor in her eyes by the power of the Holy Ghost during a crusade. She said she had seen an arrow shot at her in her sleep and since then her eyes had grown and grown to the point that it was so swollen that she could not see anymore in one eye, The doctors had tested her and told her she had a tumor in her eyes and the eye was gone. She choose not to have the eye removed. When she came to the Holy Ghost Crusade, God touched her eyes and instantly, the eyes went down and she could see again through the eye. She came back to the ministry to give thanks for his miraculous power in healing her and delivering her from the attack of the enemy. Glory be to God!
A Crusade Revival held at Christ Apostle Redeemed Church, 5&6 Ramonu Bello street, Iyana Isheri, Lagos, organized by senior pastor, Pastor Adenuba. During the Revival, the Lord worked a unique wonder in His miraculous power through unbelievers for His Glory. The story and coincidence of it could only be the work of the Holy Spirit. During the said Revival service, a commotion was heard outside of people wailing, crying and arguing over a dead boy. The noise was actually disturbing the Revival service. The people making the noise were Muslims coming from the nearby hospital where they had been told to go bury the corpse of their dead child. According to their story, the boy had been sick and after having been ministered to by the Medical and local native doctors, the boy had given up
According to their story, the boy had been sick and after having been ministered to by the Medical and local native doctors, the boy had given up Ghost and died in the hospital. As it was the Muslim rites to bury the dead within 24 hours of death, the family had immediately wrapped the boy for burial. However, on their way to the burial ground, the mother noticed the Posters of Apostle Dammy’s Revival Crusade at the Christ Apostle Redeemed Church which was close to where she was. She insisted that they should also try the Prophet Jesus (Anobi Isa) maybe He would raise her child. An argument erupted within the Muslim elders and her family discouraging the woman from going to the Crusade as this would violate her Muslim faith. She insisted, carrying the dead boy, she ran into the church where the revival was being held. As she entered she wailed and screamed to get the people’s attention in the crusade to come to her help. Apostle Dammy on seeing her asked her to bring the dead child to the altar area. The dead boy laid on the stage for a while as Apostle Dammy continued his ministration. After a while, he interrupted his message to attend to the dead boy. He laid his hands on him and prayed fervently. The boy did not move, or show any sign of coming alive. There was much tension in the crowd as everyone was curious to see if God would raise the boy through his servant.
Apostle Dammy began to sing praises to God and then suddenly, the boy sneezed, once then twice and came alive! !! There was so much uproar, rejoicing and shouting that the whole community came into the church within minutes. The boy got up and was carried by Apostle Dammy as he gave the child to his mother who was beyond joy. She and several Muslim members on that day received Jesus Christ as Their Lord and Savior. Glory be to God. She is currently a believer and her child is well and alive in the Lord. Glory Be TO GOD in the HIGHEST!!! Several souls were won on that day and many believers repented on seeing the power of God come alive. – Lagos, Nigeria
A woman with cancer in her leg was brought and admitted into the WEOMI Fire Transformation Clinic in Lagos. The leg was swollen, darkened and had deteriorated from the disease. She had been suffering from this affliction for three and a half years. She had tried many doctors and many other local remedies but no cure found. She was hospitalized in the Orthodox Church Hospital for 15 months, but the leg did not heal.
While at the Fire Transformation Clinic in Lagos, Apostle Dammy Owen prayed for her and to the awesome Glory of God, she was healed within 72 hours. The leg was totally healed of Cancer and her leg is back to normal all to the awesome Glory of God. – Lagos, Nigeria
A woman had severe pains in her stomach (her right side kidney) Her husband is a Medical Doctor and got her admitted immediately into the hospital. After some time, her husband seeing that she was not getting better and was not responding to any medication began to seek ways to get help for his wife. She was moved from one hospital to another hospital and to another looking for solution. They spent a lot of money on this affliction and finally with the influence of her husband she ended up in General Hospital where a team of doctors worked on her case and they detected that there were four stones in her kidney. The stones they reported had eaten up her kidney and and her kidney was damaged. They recommended that she change her kidney and this would cost her approx. N3.5 million Naira (approx. $35,000 dollars) in operating and medical costs. She was released to go home to source out the funds however she had spent so much already and she could not afford it.
Someone introduced her to Apostle Dammy who told her to come to the healing school where she was admitted into the Fire Transformation Clinic. As instructed by God, Apostle Dammy Owen prayed for her and during the early morning hours she saw an insect come out of her private parts. She reported what she saw and noticed she had received her deliverance right there mysteriously. She went back to the doctors who reported that they could no longer see any of the stones in her kidney and they also noticed that her kidney had been miraculously restored. She came with her whole family to give a special thanksgiving in the Christ Reign International Church in Ikotun, Lagos. – Lagos, Nigeria